Monika Jaślarz

Holistic Psychologist

I like to say that I am a travel companion, sometimes a guide. In my system of values, psychotherapy is a process of accompanying people on the path to return to balance and development. You define the goal and I help you find ways to achieve it. My name is Monika Jaslarz. I am a holistic therapist, based on transpersonal psychology, combining many different methods. I use tools such as: classical and cognitive-behavioral methods of therapeutic work, visualization, guided meditation, elements of psychodrama, family constellations, and transactional analysis, among many others. I also offer help in integrating psychedelic experiences. As a psychedelic therapist, I am teaching proven knowledge about the possibilities of treatment with psychedelic substances and about preparing for and integrating such experiences, in order to reduce the harm that can arise from lack of access to reliable information. I have personally tested most of the working methods that I suggest to my clients.

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I graduated with a Master's degree in psychology from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and 3 years from the CBT School of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy in Warsaw. I am a fully board-certified psychedelic therapist at the Institute for Integrative Psychiatry (Boulder, USA). I also have a personal development coach certificate, which helps me in conducting retreats, workshops and psychoeducation. In my private life I follow the spiritual path of Camino Rojo, according to the tradition of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan, which is a great support for me and a source of knowledge about working with the spiritual aspect of man and the ability to use psychedelic substances. for it. I have great respect for the traditional approach to psychedelic therapy and the Guardians of these traditions in the form of the Families and Tribes of the Americas.

Meet the Team

Dixere certis. Uno praebebat. Fulminibus subsidere pulsant librata fuerant terrenae undas librata.
Homini locavit fluminaque calidis metusque. Fuit haec madescit


Kimberly Foster

Vice President

Caligine carentem iuga pluvialibus distinxit inminet. Usu obstabatque magni quod campos lege margine coegit campoque. Dominari nam orbe ab parte.


Regan McCook

Founder & CEO

Unus sibi caelum. Ventos silvas crescendo recens inclusum quem colebat nisi. Quam caeleste cepit vindice moles passim. Homini terrenae freta sole.


Jennifer Barrett

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Rachel Hicks

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Joseph Perry

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Michael Wright

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Janice Ross

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Madison King

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Amy Hudson

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Jeremy Mason

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